Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Illegalism in the 21st Century... post #100

It took me a year and a half but I finally broke the century mark. This is the 100th post for me!

There are few things in life that just burn my hide. People leaving their blinker on after they have changed lanes, getting a voicemail and people say their number so fast you can't figure it out, bad cell service... you know, the big things. Well, one of the quickest ways to fire me up is to show your legalism card. In my own words I define legalism like this: Legalism is living and abiding by a standard of rules and regulations that simply flat-out miss the bulls eye. I know it is really nothing new and we even read about it all throughout scriptures. From not eating certain foods to the way you comb your hair. I have first hand knowledge of legalism seeing as how I couldn't wear shorts until the 7th grade due to spiritual reasons. Jewelry, make-up, long hair-short hair... where does it stop? I know peoples intentions are sometimes good as they abide by these "doctrines" simply because they want to be closer to God, but to think that I am going to hell because I play cards is nothing short of absurd.

Now where I really have issues is when someone who lives by these standards responds toward me with this "your not living right" attitude. Fires me up! To think that there are churches that get bent out of shape because members leave and go somewhere else and then they themselves "talk about it" to no end... ridiculous. It may be a surprise to some but some of the worst treatment many receive are from other "believers". Makes me sick at my stomach. To say they follow Christ is a pure lie. They follow rules. Well, heck... even animals can follow rules. I have coined a term to describe the whole entire mess... Illegalism. Because it should be.

Whatever happened to love thy neighbor as thyself? That was pretty good teaching. For those who are entangled by the nasty web of legalism, my heart hurts for you just shortly after my blood pressure rises. Get over it and move on. Our lives are too short to not work it out together.

That's all I've got to say about that.


Unknown said...

Well, holy cow. Why did you have to go and get all bent out of shape on us? Great post, bro. Thanks for the powerful challenge. Great stuff.

Brandon said...

(expletive) yes...