Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Last 15 Days

Wow... I almost forgot my own password. It has been more than two weeks since I've been on here simply because my computer has died or partially died... it is still in the process of being resurrected. In the meantime, I have joined the faithful few each day at the Hoover Public Library to simply check my email. The greatest set back is that you only have 60 minutes each day to work and then the system kicks you out. I am forced to utilize my new office space and time in the office with the utmost fruitfulness... (only 16 minutes left today).

Anyway, the last 15 days have been a ride to say the least. Days of anxiety followed by Karie and I seeing God's hand of provision and peace work in us like never before. My favorite thought from a week ago is simple..."In a time when we should be devastated... we are calm." Mind you that we are not to be credited with this one... we know where our peace comes from.

I mentioned "a time when we should be devastated"... let me explain. I have been unemployed for almost a month... (which translates in Spanish as... no income). I actually accepted a job here in BHAM and then about three days before I thought I would start work... the man who was about to hire me (Executive Director of a Christian non-profit) was actually let go from his job. Now we were both on the employment trail. Freaky almost but Karie and I have prayed very specifically from the beginning for God to "open the right doors and close the wrong doors." Anyway... closed door.

Each day since then has been filled with excitement of talking with some amazing people. I have turned over more "job-rocks" than I ever knew existed. Again, all we know is that God spoke to us about taking a chance and trusting Him in a new way and we did. The rest is truly in His hands and oddly enough it is fun.

Also within the last 15 days I have enjoyed some non-spiritual things as well. I hooked up with an old roommate from college and enjoyed my first NASCAR experience at Bristol this past weekend. And to think I was ever referred to as a red-neck. WOW at the style involved in a racing weekend. Anyway, I had a blast... the smells of the raceway, the sounds of the cars, the pageantry and adrenaline were almost more than a man can endure in one weekend.

So today... still in His hands, loving NASCAR, turning over "job-rocks", hanging out @ the Library with only a very few seconds left on my time at the computer and (times up).....


GBrooks said...

Nascar fan how I missed being there like all the other RED NECKS. How nice it was laying here on my back, just dreaming of the smell of racing fuel, burnt rubber and BO. I will be at the next Red Neck Race.

Jonathan Stone said...

Micah, you're a man! No, I'm not talking about NASCAR. Nor am I talking about taking the leap of faith with unemployment. But reducing your internet life to the public library? That's amazing!

Brandon said...

Micah, it's Brandon!
My mom found Chris Goins blog and emailed the link, then I saw yours and have been reading it. I am teaching History and Bible in South Korea right now, graduated college in December, and I just wanted to say that I seriously think you are freakin' awesome...
For real, I read back over some of your old posts...
I wish I would have been mature in High School so we could have talked about some of this stuff...
You are amazing!