Wednesday, November 19, 2008


As I sit here in what is about to become my previous living room, I can't help but notice the boxes. You see we have been packing for about a week now preparing to move and the majority of my earthly possessions are right here in this room. There are large, heavy boxes dwarfing the many smaller and more fragile boxes. They have instructions written on the outside like kitchen, master bedroom, garage. The memories that have been stored away for so long have been recently uncovered in an effort to downsize. I can only imagine what the garbage collectors must be thinking as the piles have grown day after day with discard.

As I sit here in what is about to become my previous living room, I am accompanied by the smell of cardboard. All of my possessions. All of my obsessions. In days of old men were not measured by what they had but rather who they were. Their word outweighed their stuff. They were known by their reputation not by their collections. But somewhere, sometime that all changed. Unfortunately we often measure success by our piles of boxes. We may have become obsessed with what we possess.

The scriptures refer to it something like this... where a man's treasures are... there is his heart. Maybe it is time for an obsession with confession. Time for obsession with compassion. Obsession with truth instead of perceived wealth. I wonder... where is your obsession?


Autumn Miller said...

MICAH--- I have been looking for you! I kinda lost track of you when all I had was your Metro e-mail. I would like an update on your life. I heard from Jenny that you are doing some inner city ministry downtown- true? It sounds like you & your girls are doing well- Congrats on the new house & a bigger Congrats for selling the previous one!
CJ & I live in Longview, TX at least until he graduates from LeTourneau in May. From there we are not sure- all depends on where he gets a job. We have started our application process for AIM AIR (Africa Inland Mission) & hope to be in Africa by 2011. We also just got a puppy & we aren't getting much sleep at night- we joke about how it is probably good preparation for kiddos.
Well, good to find you. We will be in B'ham for Christmas- maybe I will run into you.
Autumn Miller

IPM said...

Congrats on the new place Micah! I know you are your 3 ladies will enjoy it. Tell Karie I said hello.
