Honestly, investing is not my favorite word (sorry EJH). I've avoided it for much of my adult life in part since I never heard it all that much at home growing up. When you never have any extra you just don't put any back. In an odd way, I have always felt like I was losing something now even though I would get it all back and possibly then some at a later time. But the loss of something important to me in the immediate is the roadblock for pouring and planting and investing for a future day.
So what about investing in people? Why do we rush down the hall right past him or her instead of stopping and planting a little hope and sunshine into their lives? Why don't we opt to share a lunch with a friend as opposed to shutting the door and eating alone? It's because it requires emotional labor. This is the stuff that drains us. It requires me to loose a piece of me now. But what we forget is that the small investment of me now may be the investment that pays a greater dividend in the future. Emotional labor is difficult because it appears to be all giving and no receiving... but in reality when you give of yourself you'll find that you always get more than you give.
Emotional labor. Invest into someone.