Monday, October 25, 2010

All In The Family

Let it be known that I am a proud daddy. I have been blessed with two amazing daughters that make me laugh, make me cry, make me miss home when I am away and make every day an adventure. This past Saturday we had an awesome family day. Olivia had her last soccer game of the season. They won and finished the season 7-1. But not only did they win this past weekend they won 7-1. Of our 7 goals scored, Olivia scored 5 of them! Amazing. Needless to say I was proud of her. But what I was reminded of is how important it is for her and her sister to know that I am proud of them. I don't ever want their affirmation to come from another man. Not a boyfriend. Not anyone else but me. I bet I told her 20 times how proud I was. We watched the video later this past weekend and again I made it a big deal. In our world that is laced with a need for affirmation, make sure your kids get it the most at home. After all... children are a blessing from God.

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