Wednesday, February 4, 2009

seize the day

One of the rules that I so desperately attempt to live by is really simple. make the most of every moment. Seize the day for what it has to offer. Now I'm not overboard getting up at 4:00 in the morning like one man I know but I do attempt to use every waking hour to my advantage. I am a night person (not to be confused with a person of the night) and I stay up piddling around because I don't want to miss out on anything. I've always been that way. I feel the need to squeeze every opportunity out of every hour.

In my prior job I really thought I'd retire there. That's really crazy since I'm only 36... but I thought Randy, Phillip, Kevin, Tom, Derrick, CJ, Tony, Chris T, Wade, Chris, Garmon, Twan, and even Floyd... we'd always work together. In fact I lived almost every day with the pattern of not taking any of it all for granted because I just wanted to live it all up. I have this burning inside me that just wants to live each day like it may be my last.

So, whatever it is... your wife/husband, your kids, your church, your job, your friends, where you VOLUNTEER, or whatever it (LIFE) looks like for you... seize it all. Don't live timid. Don't look back. Dream. Run wide open. Don't say I'll do it tomorrow... Tomorrow begins Today.

1 comment:

Sheril Brasher said...

I love how you included Floyd but you left out Raymond, but then again, we always knew he was eventually moving up!!!