Thursday, March 5, 2009

If crack were Christ...

For the last several years I have really studied what it means to be a leader. I have read the books, gone to the conferences and even know the quotes... "Leaders aren't born, they are made." "Leaders aren't made, they are born." "Leaders aren't made nor born, they are the ones who stand up and out in front under severe circumstances." For the love... Which one is it?

Over the years and even again today I wonder about the line. The line between leading someone and manipulating someone. I mean think about it. In both cases you are imposing your influence on someone else for a desired result. What is the difference? Since I now serve in the drug and alcohol recovery world... let's take crack for example. If I am an addict and misery breeds company then I am possibly likely to lead someone else down the crack path with me. I impose my influence on them for my desired result. Is it me leading them or is it me manipulating them? What if crack were Christ? If I am trying to lead someone to follow Christ, I want them to see things how I see things. I impose my influence on them for yet another desired result.

I believe the difference between leading someone and manipulating someone is simple. It is at the core a matter of motive. What is my motivation? If I impose my influence on someone is it for their best interest or is it for my gain? Is it about what I can give them or is it about what I can take from them? I just believe that Christ may be our best role model yet again. His motive was never selfish. He never manipulated anyone. He led them. His motive was pure. To give life. To give His life so we all could gain life eternal.

We all lead. Some in big ways, some in small ways. What is your motive?


Jennifer Giadrosich said...

loved the blog today Micah!! Great thoughts, very smart.

Brandon said...

Hey, Micah! I think this is a good thing to think about. I believe that the less the "self" is involved in things, the better we tend to lead/influence. Countless times in the Bible, we see lessons in leadership that involve putting others before yourself - everything from marriage to what we eat and drink. The less there is of us and the more there is of Christ, the better leaders we will be (because our motivation will likely not be for our own personal gain - like you pointed out). I will do my best to throw a shrimp or two on the barbie for you, man!