Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How 'bout them Sox?

Well, in the midst of euphoria in the Bammer-Nation... once again the seasonal exit of Major League Baseball is upon us. I barely know how to contain myself during the next few weeks simply because I have gone from 0-2 to 3-2 in my fantasy football team, my Tide is 6-0, and my favorite MLB team is poised for another World Series. I make no bones about it. I'm a bandwagon Boston Red Sox fan. My only credibility is that I have been this way for the past seven seasons. Karie laughed at me this past post season because when I thought she had gone to bed, she entered the living room late one October 07 night to find me sifting through old baseball cards, wearing my Red Sox hat, and watching the World Series.

At my house, this is the ultimate sporting time of the year. The weather is changing, my teams are winning, and I have a satellite that keeps me connected. For all the naysayers... "How Bout Them Sox?"


Phil & Evie said...

Hey, now. All I have to say is that I want to see Torre and Mattingly win the World Series.


Shannon Johnson said...

Hey Micah! Ok....question - are you watching these sports in your old living room....or new house? We are out of the loop! We sure do think of ya'll often. Hanging out time with ya'll and a few others is definately in need!