Thursday, October 23, 2008


As a right of passage in my house as a young lad, each Saturday between September and late November was spent cheering on the Crimson Tide. It never was an issue that we lived about seven or eight miles from the actual campus but it was just such a part of our childhood. You were just used to stories about AL football being on the news every night... even in April. Seeing players out about town wasn't all that unusual. Heck, even our mall was named University Mall. The University of Alabama is a big piece of my "heritage". Now don't get me wrong, my allegiance to a state, univerisity, former coaching legend (God rest his soul), or football team will remain in its place and will never interfere with real priorities. But... tonight I must make this proclamation to all those tormented, miserable, begging for the bleeding to stop, hateful, obnoxious, pain in the tail, you make me want to puke, disillusioned, how you like me now, Auburn fans.

4 and 4 stinks. That means that as good as you can possibly be... you are equally that bad. There are a few certain Auburn fans that have irritated me for the last few years and all I have to say is Mike Shula is available as an offensive coordinator, coach, mentor, or even player (he has one year of eligibility left). I truly hope in the most inward places of my soul that Alabama destroys Auburn this year (I will be there) but if they don't I can take pure joy in the fact that this week Auburn is 4-4 and in essence... they are 0.


Anonymous said...

After this weekend your Killer Threes will be ZERO too! :)

Unknown said...

Dont you miss Jason Daffin and all of his Draws Drives and talkin smack about War Eagle? lol

Joel Andrews said...

...and if you focus on the conference (which is the most important aspect afterall), they are actually a Negative, just keepin it real...please keep me in your thoughts and prayers this week as the scheduler at works prepares the week of Nov 29 that I may be able to join the nation in amputating that thumb

Distybug said...

Amen, my brother. I've been telling Auburn fans for the last five years that the blood of Christ was Crimson!

Joel Andrews said...

how about some halloween and b-day party pics?