Sunday, May 31, 2009

cultural diversity

This fine country of ours have often been referred to as a melting pot. You don't have to look very far to find someone that is exactly the opposite of you. Just yesterday I drove past two old men selling produce on the side of the road. At first I drove past but as I continued my drive I was intrigued by the two old birds and decided to turn around and check em out. As I got out of my truck and approached them they sat still in their folding lawn chairs, one in over-alls and the other sitting quietly as a trusty sidekick. I bought a watermelon and this seemed to give me an opportunity to talk. I think maybe I wanted to just talk more than I wanted the watermelon.

Anyway, they began to share with me a glimpse into their lives. The main guy, adorned in his finest Dickey's, began telling me the stories of his childhood. He was one of fourteen children (all from the same mother he added) and how he had worked on the family farm until his early 30's. He complained about the taxes he was having to pay on his produce and how "the man" was robbing him blind. He added some of the funniest (and dirtiest) jokes that I had heard in a long time. I stood with my watermelon and free tomato that he just wanted me to try and listened until I had to leave. He had other paying customers arriving and his attention quickly was re-routed.

As I drove home I thought about how different his life was from mine. We possibly shared the same opinion on taxes, a similar view on politics and who knows... maybe a resemblance on matters of faith. But we were still so very different.

I was reminded yet again how diverse our country is. I was even reminded how diverse our own lives can be. I was and am still challenged to embrace those who see through different shades this thing we call life. I hope my $6 contribution helps the old man out. Just a few minutes of conversation with him helped me in a great way to see that this is a big old world.


Brandon said...

Brother man!
I heard you got to eat with him...
You have officially seen him in person more times than I have this year...
I come home on the 28th of June, and while I am not sure whether or not I will be around the South, I can guarantee that if I swing in, we will spend quality time together...

Karie Andrews said...

I am just glad that you bought the watermelon and didn't tell me the jokes you you.