Thursday, May 7, 2009

Do the Next Right Thing...

As I type these thoughts I am actually in the middle of watching a new show with Michael J. Fox. It is called "The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist". I actually bought the book earlier this week and can hardly wait to get into it. You see, my mother gave me a "title" a few years back when she called me her "rough son" who always sought to "seize the moment". I love that she sees me this way. In my mind its like this Marlboro Man persona without the cigarettes. It is a mixture of John Wayne and Brad Pitt. That is how my loving mother sees me. But how do I see me?

I mean I live with me 24/7. I see the best of me and live quietly with the worst of me. If I had to self describe who I really am or who I am really aspiring to be... its an incurable optimist. I want to be that guy that sees the best in everything. I want to see each glass as half full. I want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt even if they are trying to take advantage of me. Why? Because it is so much better than worry. It is better than anxiety. I guess there is a little bit more control in my life if I see things this way as opposed to always looking out for the bad. Too many people look at life through the negative lens. Fox even said his very own dad viewed life as this "long line of people waiting to kick him in the _ _ _ (butt)." What kind of way is that to live?

I was reminded of a similar thought earlier today. When things are not going quite like I want them to, I am prone to only see the here and now. When I have made a bad decision and am left dealing with the consequences I have a tendency to only see the immediate situation. I was reminded in a quiet moment today that God sees my momentary affliction but more importantly He sees the BIG PICTURE. Not only does He see it but at times, He allows me to catch a brief glimpse of my Big picture.

As Fox plays a round of golf with Bill Murray, he explains to Bill that this optimistic attitude is one of not always looking to do the next thing right, but rather to do the next right thing. I will leave that beautiful line up for your own interpretation but for me... it is a big picture kind of statement. I may fail in the moment but the key is to not roll around in it. The key is to pick myself up by the boot straps and to do the next right thing. Or to state it like the old timers... we may lose the battle but the victory is already won.

1 comment:

Thomas the Brave said...

Thanks you. I just watched his program.

Do the next right thing!

Keep up the good work.
