Sunday, August 16, 2009

life in the customer service line @ walmart

I realized today as I stood in the return line at customer service at my local Wal-Mart that Apple Bottom Jeans is an actual brand... all this time I just thought it was part of the song. Anyway, I am sure that at some point in every adults life we will all experience a Wal-Mart return. Thus was the case for me today. As I stood there I experienced a flood of emotions and questions...

For example, am I the only one that feels like if I don't have my receipt I am viewed as the guy who is trying to pull a fast one on the largest retailer in the world? I didn't have a receipt today and my simple exchange had to be reviewed by what seemed to be at least a half dozen managers. Now I am sure that there are those who were standing in the long line with me that were simply out to pull the wool over the CSR in charge but why the pressure? And what takes them so long? Everything is computerized but the process of scanning what I want to bring back along with the pain-staking scanning of my new merchandise was similar in length to a full store, late night inventory. But for some strange reason I still felt like I had to prove something to the clerk serving me today.

And if you have something from the electronic department to return, even if it is completely unopened... be prepared to give a full blown account of your actions for the last two months, a blood sample or two, and two of your three most recent credit reports. If it is something from ELECTRONICS that doesn't work, forget about it. You in for a good half hour ordeal. I witnessed it first hand today with a slightly elderly woman in front of me. The final call from the obvious big man on duty... "I will do it this time but just know I am doing you a favor and I will not be able to do this again." Oh mister wal-mart manager man... thank you so much for your grace and mercy as I return the broken merchandise that I paid good money for that didn't work to begin with. I am so sorry that I have inconvenienced you with my petty wish to actually get something that works. As you can sense I was a little perturbed by my trials and tribulations earlier this afternoon.

I guess the lesson I want to share is this... I am a simple man. I normally try to treat others with decency and appreciation. Is it too much to ask for to be treated in the same way. In the good book we find a valuable lesson in "treat others in the same way you would like to be treated." Or as we so fondly call it... the Golden Rule. Honestly I don't know if it is even in the scriptures that way but it should be. Life Lesson # 32 (from the book of Andrews) if I am rude, respond to me with rudeness. If I am nice and appreciative, help a brother out and return the service.

Until later, avoid the customer service line at Wal-Mart if at all possible.

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