Saturday, August 8, 2009

there's no crying in soccer...

Every time I think about the movie "A League of Their Own" with Tom Hanks, Madonna, and others I think of my dear friend Phil Harris. I also remember the great scene and line by Hanks, "there's no crying in baseball..." Well, today the Andrews family began our journey in the world of girl's soccer. I have been blessed to be asked to serve Ella's (my 5 year old) team as assistant coach. The greatest humor in this is that I have no idea how to play soccer. In fact, the only rule I know is that you can't touch the ball. Which by the way is quite confusing to 5 and 6 year olds when they see someone throw the ball in from the sideline. Anyway, we had our first practice this morning and let me just say, "there is crying in soccer." I dealt with that scenario on numerous occasions today with multiple young athletes. Once I even kicked the ball and hit Ella in the arm which summoned an outpouring of emotion. Not to mention at 8:00 in the early morning Alabama heat my youngest fell apart when we told her she had to kick it one more time.

But all in all the initial experience was good. At this age you basically try to get the kids to learn a little ball control and learn how to have fun playing the sport. One of the greatest aspirations is just to instill the love of the game in each child so they will actually want to show up the next time out. Not a bad strategy I might add. Maybe we in the modern, American church can learn a bit from little league soccer. Am I as a father, are we as a culture, are we as believers, is the church... instilling in our children a love for the body of Christ? Are we teaching them by our actions how to fall in love with our Savior? When it is all said and done, do they want to show up in a place of worship because we make them or because they actually want to go? VBS is great and all but what do we do the rest of the year to create an atmosphere where our kids learn about God but equally as important actually want to go?

If our children are our future what kind of investments are we as the church making for that future? My church, Church of the Highlands, I feel does a great job at this. There are churches all over our city, state, and country that do a good job at creating a child friendly environment to learn about Christ. My heart goes out to those who do not. I want my girls to want to go to church. I do not ever want to be the kind of dad who makes my kids go (which I do not believe is actually a bad idea if it comes to that) but I want them to have that deep desire at an early age to know Christ but also to simply go to church. After all, "there's no crying in church."

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