Saturday, February 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Karie

Some men are blessed to have a wonderful lady in their life... me, I've got three. No matter how lousy my day may have been... when I get home each day and see these hot mammas... everything else just fades away.

Not only is today Ground Hogs day but it is also Karie's thrity__________ birthday. Our family loves celebrating birthdays on odd days. My birthday is December 7 (Pearl Harbor Day), Olivia's is October 31 (Halloween) and Ella's is December 31 (New Years Eve). I guess we're just a little weird like that. Anyway, today has been a great day where K got to go do a little shopping, looking for books, visit the library and even get a few groceries all the while I stayed at home with girls, washed clothes, cooked three delicious treats in the Easy Bake oven, and fought off a bout of the flu. I must admit, my "special day" is always a little different from Karie's. On my birthday I treated myself to a three day duck hunting trip... I told you my wife was amazing.

Anyway, I hope she has had a wonderful birthday. She deserves the very best (and by the way, we did take her to one of her favorite restaurants last night... Dreamland).

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