Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jesus & the IRS

Yesterday was tax day for me. (A bit of Andrews family trivia: I drive 2 hours to Sulligent, AL to have my taxes done by Wanda. She is the same person who has done my taxes for 12 years. She is also the same person who has done my dad's taxes for almost 30 years. I remember sitting in her driveway as a little boy... we "kids" couldn't go in because we would destroy the place). Anyway, as you can imagine, two hours by myself and the think tank begins.

I guess I'm one of those guys who with certain aspects of my life... I simply try to follow the rules, do what is required, and don't ask too many questions. That's the way I have been about my income taxes. I know I have to pay them (or be seen on Fox 6 news being followed to the state pen by a bus load of previous congregants as I sevre out my 18 month sentence), I know that my taxes support many things in my ordinary life (schools, roads, welfare... even though I am not totally sure how sales taxes, property taxes and income taxes all factor in I have a general idea of how it all works) and it simply stated is one of those areas of life that I just am content with to "go with the flow".

As I thought about that yesterday I quickly began to analyze it against the way too many people approach Jesus. For some, they have a general idea of how it all works. They pay their dues (attend church, don't cuss or drink too much, put a little in the offering each week, and from time to time watch a little Christian TV) and live a "good life". Some never ask any questions. Some never investigate what the real meaning is... maybe there are even some that go to the same church for 12 years that their parents have gone to for almost 30 years and they think nothing about it.

But here is my thought on it all. Jesus was and is way more than a good man who taught some pretty good lessons on how to live a full life. He was/is the living Son of God. The same God who created the universe with all of its meticulous details, with its inter-connectedness, with an unfathomable love for people who haphazardly seek Him. The God who is the King of all Kings... How in the world can we approach Him with anything less than awe and respect and honor and meekness? He sent Jesus to pay the ultimate price for me... He paid my sin tax, the debt that I assume almost daily... paid in full. And you want to talk about a refund in the end... how about eternal life with the Most High?

Yes, there are "requirements". But forget the tax analogies for a moment and just remember this. Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so, little one's to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong. There is a simplicity about Jesus that maybe, just maybe, we complicate. Maybe in all of our finite wisdom we overthink and under-live His grace, His mercy, His desire to see us walk in communion with Him daily.

Try this one on for size: As you prepare your taxes this year, remember... Yes, Jesus loves me.


Aaron Hoover said...

Hey Micah,
I'm enjoying reading your thoughts. Miss you man! Lets do lunch sometime and catch up!

The Church Bartender said...


Shoot me an email if you still in Birmingham - - let's grab some coffee.

Michael Trent