Wednesday, August 6, 2008


As I get older it seems like the seasons run together more and more and they sort of blend together. In Alabama we have the standard southern four seasons... hot, very hot, not so hot and finally somewhat cool. But these seasons are not the ones I've been thinking about lately.

In an effort not to sound too "artsy" or soft, there is a song that I like from the musical RENT. I've never seen RENT and don't know much about it other than the song titled "Seasons of Love". It talks about how we measure seasons... by cups of coffee, by the number of sunrises and sunsets, by friendships and relationships. I have become aware more so lately in my life that there are definitive seasons in each persons life. There is the season of singleness, the season of marriage without children, the seasonal change into parenthood. Our jobs have seasons, our passions have seasons, our habits and routines have seasons. Things in our lives come and go. Friendships in our lives will come and go. It is a part of the process of life.

My recent reminder is that in all seasons... one thing remains. God is the constant. Whether I'm feeling close to Him or far away from Him... He never changes. Whatever season you are in... be reminded that He makes it much more simplistic than we make it. He just wants us to know Him and walk with Him... no strings attached.

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