Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Die Hard

It is hard to imagine that John McClane has been the poster child for disturbed officers of the law for twenty years. That's right... Die Hard turns 20 in July. Love em or hate em... they were exciting. The great thing about each of Bruce Willis' movies is that he always has one great line in each of the four Oscar nominated flicks.

O.K.... I have no idea of any of them were ever nominated for anything or not but in a similar manner of the great lines from these features, today I heard a great quote from my own father. He was referring to a friend of his who is very sick and actually dying. The man has lived a good and full life and is literally clinging to each breath. Anyway, today as I talked to my dad he said something along these lines... (referring to the sick friend)

"He is actually fighting for each breath. Just when you think he's drawn his last he just keeps on hanging in there."

And here is my favorite part of what my dad said...

"You know, there's just something special about men like him, they are men who have experienced war, they've fought for their country and for their own lives... maybe that's why it is so hard for them to die."

What a way to be seen! I have never met the guy but I admire him like crazy. When my time comes... God, let that be said of me... "Micah was such a fighter that he just doesn't want to let go." And no, not a fighter in the sense of couldn't get along with other people or fighter in the sense of like actually hitting or getting hit (that is definitely not for me... I hate getting punched) but I mean I want to be remembered as a fighter, someone who stood my ground, didn't budge in the face of adversity, and who would stand by his clan till death. I'm getting head images of Braveheart...

What an honorable way to live. A man who was willing to fight for his faith, his God, his family, his country and for his own existence.

Maybe we should choose today what is worth fighting for instead of what is worth fighting over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great stuff BRO!