Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Once Upon A Time...

Have you ever wondered why the greatest stories of our childhood began with the phrase, "Once Upon A Time?" I mean why do the characters in these stories get to live out all of the most glorious adventures only once? In fact, who says "they" get to live the adventure and get sole rights to the rewards? And again... why only once?

What a let down it must be for these "people" to only get one shot at greatness. What does Prince Charming have to look forward to after he has saved the Princess? It's all downhill from this point.

So to myself, the question is... Have I cashed in my "once upon a time" card already and I have just not realized it? In reality... do you even get more than one great story to be a part of? I think we do. I think the greatest stories ever to be told have yet to even be recorded. I hope in the thought of being like that wild, untamed stallion that gets to run wild and free in the greatest and greenest fields... wind blowing, heart pounding, adventurous running... until you collapse kind of journey... that's what I am looking for. And once I've done it... I want to turn around and do it again... and again... and again... and you get the point.

One of my favorite passages of scripture says, "God has a plan for me... a plan to prosper me and give me hope and a future..." That translates to me that there is always more out there. More stories to be written. More life to be lived. More adventurous journeys just waiting for me to explore.

So, have I lived the best days of my story already? Not a chance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, I can't WAIT to hear the next chapter in your already amazing story.